Sharing your netflix password

Sharing your Netflix passwords?


Sharing your Netflix: Netflix recently launched an ad-supported membership option in a few areas in an effort to increase revenue and user numbers. The password-sharing business has also been discontinued by the streaming platform in various markets. Last year, Reed Hastings, the previous CEO of Netflix, announced that password sharing would be eliminated for everyone gradually.

Netflix password sharing will soon come to an end for all customers, according to an interview with Bloomberg conducted by the company’s new co-chief executive officers (CEO), Greg Peters and Ted Sarandos. This means that Netflix subscriptions for Indians who currently rely on relatives and other people may soon require payment.

According to the report, Peters predicted that the majority of Netflix users who don’t pay a subscription fee but still use the service will soon have to start paying to view content. Peters indicated that even after implementing regulated password sharing, the streaming platform will not compromise the user experience.


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